The Istanbul Protocol, Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment was adopted in 1999 by the United Nations, with the goal of using these recognised methods and procedures for the documentation and certification of torture-related findings. The findings of torture can be used as scientific data, evidence in court, or even in procedures for asylum applications.
The Istanbul Protocol was drafted by 75 specialists (lawyers, health and social scientists) and representatives of international organisations, creating a multidisciplinary document after three years of work. The Turkish “Human Rights Foundation of Turkey” (an independent non-profit organisation that founded and operates the Rehabilitation Centers for Victims of Torture in Turkey), the American “Physicians for Humans Rights” and the “International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims”, among others, collaborated in the redaction of the manual.
The Istanbul Protocol, a manual for the examination and recording of incidents of torture and other violent or inhuman practices or punishment, was adopted in 1999 by the United Nations to use recognised methods and procedures for recording and certifying instances of torture.